[ubuntu-za] Lucid crashing badly

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Wed Apr 21 14:32:21 BST 2010

Gavin wrote:
> On 21 April 2010 12:05, Helge <helge.reikeras at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Wed, 2010-04-21 at 12:01 +0200, Gavin wrote:
>> Gavin,
>> Is this beta-1, beta-2 or both?
> Not sure, I downloaded the ISO from mirror.ac.za on the weekend have
> done a few apt-get upgrades so far!!
> gavin at xl-otm:~$ cat /etc/issue
> Ubuntu lucid (development branch) \n \l
> gavin at xl-otm:~$ uname -a
> Linux xl-otm 2.6.32-21-generic-pae #32-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:39:35
> UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux

Ever since upgrading to that kernel, I can not boot my laptop.  I am 
only running on the old kernel (which you do not have) right now.  With 
me, no ssh and raising elephants doesn't help.  However, it is during 
startup so I am not sure those services are started...


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