[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu 10.04

Bill Cairns cairnsww at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 12:07:17 BST 2010

I have been using 08.04 all this time and am looking forward to the
new version. But I am not sure exactly how the release cycle works and
what the best way forward is.

So Lucid is released with a bang next week and lots of people will be
downloading and installing. Presumably they will also be finding lots
of those little bugs that always come with new major releases. These
bugs will be fixed as time goes by and there will be regular software
updates to keep people safe and happy.

Presumably after some time - a month? two? - all those corrections are
consolidated into a new 'release' (I am not sure what the right word
is) and anyone who does a down load after that will get a version with
the bug fixes already installed.

My question is - is it worth waiting for a month or two (or how long?)
to get a more solid product, or should I submit to my baser instincts
and do it as soon as possible because I want to play with the new
Ubuntu? The answer really depends on the quantity of the downloads
required - if the ISO image is going to be 700 megs and the bug
corrections during the next however long are going to be 200 megs,
then waiting would seem the best option. If only 20 megs, then let's
do it now. (IOK  - I know nobody knows how long a piece of string is,
but previous releases must have given us an idea).

I live in Modimolle (Nylstroom as was) and wish there were enough
people to have a get together here. Perhaps there are and we just need
to get in contact with each other?


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