[ubuntu-za] Documentation

Corrie Strydom corrie206 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 18:57:40 BST 2010

On Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 7:53 PM, Bill Cairns <cairnsww at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am still confused. I download a package off synaptic and am careful
> to download the documentation too. The package is there ok - but
> where. oh where, is the documentation?
> Specifically:
> At the moment I am playing with Glade (with Python) and am enjoying it
> a lot. There are some nice tutorials that have helped me get past the
> first fumblings. But now I have reached the stage when I want some
> hard documentation to help me past the first 'cut and paste and forget
> the details" level. I want a manual, not a tutorial. (I would settle
> for a tutorial that went past the very basics and was written for a
> Python user!)
> I went back to Synaptic and downloaded everything that said it was
> Glade documentation. So, somewhere on my computer, I have downloaded a
> stack of Glade documentation. How do I get to it and use it?
> Confused Bill
> --
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Hi Bill, have a look under /usr/share/doc/

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