[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu-ZA Moving Forward

David Rubin drubin at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 12 22:30:59 BST 2010

On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 11:18 PM, Raoul Snyman
<raoul.snyman at saturnlaboratories.co.za> wrote:
> On Sunday 11 April 2010 23:06:41 Helge Reikeras wrote:
>> If we want to go local we might want to consider
>> Chisimba<http://avoir.uwc.ac.za/index.php?module=news&action=viewcategory&i
>> d=gen14Srv6Nme27_8917_1219322157> which
>> is an open source CMS developed as a collaboration by 12 African
>> universities. One of them is UWC and they might also be able help us out
>> with shared hosting. Apparently it can do blogs, wikis and has got a pretty
>> cool photo gallery module. However, I don't have any experience with this
>> CMS. If anybody do, please share your insights.
> 0_0 What a URL!
> I personally feel we should rather go with Drupal because Chisimba is not very
> widespread, and more people know Drupal (I know of at least 2 guys other than
> myself who have Drupal skillz).
> Also, because Drupal is a more well-known open source application, it has
> better security coverage than Chisimba (think less spam).
> Oh, and one of the Drupal core developers lives in SA (Cape Town to be
> precise) ;-)
> I actually had a look at Chisimba a few years ago, and I found it a bit on the
> clunky side. By the looks of the URLs, it hasn't changed much since then.

I know one needs to try out new things and experiment but I don't
think ubuntu-za would be able to recover should we decided that
Chisimba isn't the easiest simplest option to maintain and implement.

There are some very compelling reasons to go with Drupal.
1) It is pretty much a standard with Ubuntu-Loco's see [1] [2] this
one could replace our "get ubuntu" page and is very handy
2) Large Plugin base
3) Wide spread knowledge -- easy to find other people to help maintain it.
4) Easy to extent
5) Clean urls (This is a deal breaker, users need to see something friendly)


[1] https://edge.launchpad.net/drupal-projects
[2] http://launchpad.net/support.points.map

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