[ubuntu-za] Free VOIP Phone software

Morgan Collett morgan at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 6 09:34:14 BST 2010

On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 13:54, Robin Bownes <robin at ncedatrust.org.za> wrote:
> On Wed, 2010-03-31 at 13:28 +0200, Morgan Collett wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 20:26, Quintin van Rooyen
> <quintin.vanrooyen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 26 March 2010 20:18, Nico Michael (pta at ibst)
>> <nick.michael at ptaisp.co.za>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi There
>>> I am looking for a  Free VOIP Phone software  to use to phone via a CIP
>>> server on the Internet
>>> preferably something that works on Ubuntu
>>> regards
>>> Nico
>> Ekiga?
>> Not sure if it is available since Koala though. I used it in intrepid and
>> jaunty to divert our local VOIP in our office to my laptop, latency was
>> crazy though since the best codecs are paid for and Ekiga generally uses
>> FOSS codecs.
> AFAIK Ekiga was removed from the default install because Empathy now
> handles video/voice calls. You can still install Ekiga if you want it
> though but try Empathy - it handles video/voice over XMPP by default,
> and handles SIP if you install telepathy-sofiasip.
> My company's looking at deploying an asterisk solution, and we were
> recommended by the vendor to use Zoiper - http://www.zoiper.com/ -
> there is a free ($$$) option which is apparently good and works on
> Ubuntu. I haven't tried it yet though.
> Regards
> Morgan
> Hi Morgan,
> If you are looking to implement Asterisk in your company, I can highly
> recommend getting in touch with a company by the name of Connection Telecom
> (www.connection-telecom.com). The guy that runs the company, Steve Davies,
> is a Linux (and much other) boffin of note, and is recognised as probably
> the best Asterisk practitioner in Africa. Rob Lith (Cape Town) is probably
> the best guy to speak to about what you need. (no I don't get a kickback)
> They have offices in Cape Town and Centurion.
> + 27 878 200 200 / sales at connection-telecom.com

Thanks for this vote of confidence - they are exactly who we are speaking to :)


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