[ubuntu-za] where is my gpg fingerprint?

David Robert Lewis ethnopunk at telkomsa.net
Thu Sep 24 08:30:44 BST 2009


I want to sign the Ubuntu Code of Conduct. Instructions at the site ask 
for a gpg fingerprint and suggest the following command:

gpg --fingerprint

But all I get is a bunch of fingerprints for ppas, none of which is 
mine. Anybody know the correct code for printing ones gpg fingerprint?



888          8 8                    
 8  8d8b. .d88 8 .d8b. Yb  dP 8   8 
 8  8P Y8 8  8 8 8' .8  YbdP  8b d8 
888 8   8 `Y88 8 `Y8P'   YP   `Y8P8 

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