[ubuntu-za] Definitive Neotel-Jaunty how-to
Chames, Jeremy
JChames at distell.co.za
Wed Sep 16 11:47:55 BST 2009
Anyone out there willing to give me the definitive how-to (for noobs) to
get my Neo Connect Prime USB phone-modem device working on an Ubuntu
Jaunty installation? I've tried both the Neotel how-to (modprobe ...
pppconfig etc...) and the one doing the rounds on the ubuntu and
my-broadband forums. Both without success. I'm now thinking of a fresh
re-install of Jaunty to re-try the driver compilation as laid out on the
ubuntu forums. My second-last resort would be to sink 2 grand into a
Dovado router (has an ethernet port), last resot would be to use my
Windows XP partition (which I'm loathe to do).
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