[ubuntu-za] Questions from a new member

Ewald Horn ewaldhorn at gmail.com
Mon Nov 2 09:21:21 GMT 2009

Hi Ian.

I'm kind of a Linux noob myself, but I do use OOoBase as well. I've
integrated it using the H2 database - it's a lot faster and seems to
be more reliable than the native database used in Base.

The default database is HSQLDB if I remember correctly, and the
overhead associated with the startup and shutdown times can make
things a little slow. Base works much faster if you connect to a
server-mode database instance as there is less overhead involved in
starting and stopping the database engine.

Here is a link to the main tutorial with a section on setting it up in
Base - http://www.h2database.com/html/tutorial.html#open_office
alternatively you might want to use MySQL in server mode - it's always
worked well for me in the past.

Best regards

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