[ubuntu-za] Lan issues

Chris Schoonbee cmschoonbee at mweb.co.za
Wed Mar 25 20:07:22 GMT 2009

Hi David,

This is just a friendly private message to you.  I have noticed that you 
tend to start a new topic/thread [e.g. Lan issues]  by replying to a 
email in an existing thread [e.g. Ubuntu small office server].  This is 
termed  'thread hijackiing'  and is  a breach of netiquette.   Amongst  
other things, it  mixes up unrelated threads for people trying to  
following email discussions in the usual threaded mode.
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:DonDiego/Thread_hijacking and
http://www.ubuntu.com/support/community/mailinglists/etiquette - see 

I also did the same thing until I figured out how to start a new topic 
from scratch.  I use Thunderbird but you may be able to figure how to 
achieve the same effect in your email client.  Instead of using  the 
usual "Reply" button on a message, I right-click the "Reply-To" header 
(which is "ubuntu-za at lists.ubuntu.com" for this list) and select the 
"Compose Mail To" option.  This starts a new topic instead of replying 
erroneously to an existing thread.

Hope this helps.

Sorry I can't help you with your actual problem.  Just out of interest, 
is there any particular reason why are you still using Dapper Drake? - 
Not that using the latest LTS version (Hardy) will necessarily solve 
your problem.

> I recently installed Dapper Drake onto a P111 and this machine is now 
> plugged into my TP-Link router. Only problem is the machine now seems to 
> have my gateway address, so I can't log into router from my own machine. 
> Also, pages like facebook and wordpress are not loading properly from my 
> side and this is thoroughly irritating. How do I resolve the conflict? 
> Any ideas?

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