[ubuntu-za] Update, Meeting and Reports
David Rubin
drubin at ubuntu.com
Fri Dec 4 08:34:04 GMT 2009
On Mon, Nov 30, 2009 at 11:05 PM, David Rubin <drubin at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> *Meetings*
> I know it has been a while since we had a meeting and it is kinda
> short notice but it would be great to have a meeting some time next
> week. I set up a doodle poll [1]. Please can you can update it with
> which times best suite you. We will try and a accommodate as many
> people as possible
> I have also updated the agenda [2] with a list of things I think
> should be discussed. Please add any thing that you feel warrants a
> discussion also include your name so we know who brought it up.
> Hopefully we can start by having very short bi-monthly
> meetings/reports to keep things on track and ensure the meetings don't
> get too long and drawn out.
> [1] http://doodle.com/hgqq6dnsnnqt2e8f
> [2] http://wiki.ubuntu-za.org/MeetingAgenda
Hi guys
Just a reminder about the meeting times next week see [1] you don't
need to sign up to add your name. So far it looks like Monday 7th
19:00pm is when most people are available. I will leave it till after
lunch to make a final time.
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