[ubuntu-za] Creating a stir

wayne plettpc at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 09:05:51 BST 2009

Barry Wyatt wrote:
> On Sat, 2009-08-15 at 22:35 +0200, Quintin Beukes wrote:
>> Great work on the conversions.
>> Which things have you guys noticed, why people struggle using Linux
>> and switching back. I'm slowly busy addressing these issues. 
> Hi Quinton,
> As a newbie Ubuntu user here is one example of where I struggle.
> Bought a UPS, brought it home and plugged it in the USB port of my
> Ubuntu machine (Dell T105).
> Went to Synaptic package manager, found apcupsd, marked for
> installation, downloaded it etc....and nothing.
> Nothing to say new program installed, no message to tell me where to
> look for anything.  (Even Windows say "do you want an icon on the
> desktop).  I searched my menus and found nothing to do with a UPS.
> Eventually went back to Synaptic and found out that under properties it
> lists all the files and folders. So then I slowly go through each folder
> in turn looking for documentation or seeing what will run.....
> can't find anything that gives me a window on the screen.
> Come across the man pages in my searching and am told everything I need
> to do to rewire a serial port (but I am using usb).....
> By that time I am called to supper and to spend some time with the kids.
> That was two weeks ago and I have now lost interest...
> Hope that helps you to understand something of my frustrations. 
> Regards
> Barry
Yes, BArry
This is quite typical for Linux, And why we say it's not quite ready for 
the pure desktop user.
To make this easy, Just remember that nearly All appz on a linux box, 
are configured via their respective conf files.
If and only IF somebody has taken the time to write a GUI to enable the 
desktop user to configure a app, u're in luck, But really not entirely 
as most of the time a GUI cannot allow for ALL the different 
configurations available. Thus making a GUI inferior for the Power user.
Understandably it is fustrating, but also Very fulfilling when attempted 
and mastered.

BTW, If u're still having UPS blue's , I've always had success with:

Wayne A

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