[ubuntu-za] Creating a stir
biocura at telkomsa.net
Tue Aug 11 11:15:30 BST 2009
Charl Wentzel wrote:
> I know this is not so much a tech issue, but I thought you might find
> this interesting...
> I'm very passionate about Linux, especially about Ubuntu and is slowly
> but surely converting all the people around me, including both my
> parents, my wife, best friend, etc. But this week was especially
> enjoyable...
> After installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix on my Ass-fire One, I went to show
> it to my customer the following day. After showing UNR to them (and
> informing them of the extremely low price tag) I truely got their
> attention! They were just looking at buying laptops for their
> technicians and with a couple of his managers around me I convinced them
> that they should try it.
> Their only concern was the Windoze and DOS programs they use in the
> field. But I came prepared and installed Wine the night before. During
> my visit there I installed one of their DOS programs to prove Linux's
> worth. Right there the decision was made that I woud buy one for them
> and help one of their technicians to install all their programs and let
> them run with it on a trail basis!
> First Victory!!
> The next I went back to Incredible Deception to buy one more, and of
> course I took my "re-vamped" netbook with! I was a bit frustrated by
> the fact that both of the sales people who help me initially just wanted
> to make sure: "You know that this one runs on Linux?"... as if it was a
> bad thing!!!
> So I rocked their world and showed them a "real operating system", UNR!!
> I had 6 of their sales people around me ooh-ing and ah-ing! One of them
> even thanked me for opening his eyes to Linux!
> Second Victory!!
> None of this would have been possible without the great guys from this
> community that helped me get going. So I would like to say:
> Regards
> Charl
Well done Charl,
This is what we need and this is what is required to get people aware of
Linux and it's real value. Everyone is scared of something new and
unfamiliar and we need to guide and coach them as well as possible until
they have settled into this wonderful world of Linux and Ubuntu.
*Dr. Johan P. Prinsloo **DSc, DHom.**
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