[ubuntu-za] Ubuntu Linux virus?

Lee Sharp leesharp at hal-pc.org
Fri Aug 7 19:57:35 BST 2009

David Robert Lewis wrote:
> There are a number of ways one could write a linux virus
> http://www.geekzone.co.nz/foobar/6229*
> *
> The reason I am inclined to think there is some malware, is that I found 
> a couple of email being sent out to my address book in which I clearly 
> had not bothered to mail the address concerned. So there is some virus 
> activity in my thunderbird. Also, I keep getting this
> psmouse.c: bad data from KBC - timeout
> Which is related to the mouse problem. So I might have installed 
> something which tries to take control of the PC.
> I tried loading and unloading psmouse, but still a problem. Not sure 
> what to do.

There is a very elegant Windows rootkit program called rootkitty.  All 
it does is a recursive directory that outputs to a file.  Run it in the 
infected environment, and again from a live CD, then do a diff on the 
output files.  In Linux you should be able to do this by hand easily.


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