[ubuntu-za] Easy Peasy Download

Charl Wentzel charl.wentzel at vodamail.co.za
Wed Aug 5 14:19:36 BST 2009

> I have the following:
> 906977280 2009-01-06 01:12 easypeasy-1.0.iso  (I don't think this is
> the latest one though)
> 992837632 2009-04-21 03:31 ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img
> I've intsalled both of these on my eee-pc, but I prefer the UNR one at
> the moment, because it boots faster.
> You are welcome to come get these, I'm near the littlefalls nursary.

Thanks for helping me out Marius.  Ubuntu Netbook Remix rocks!!

By the way the Asphire One A110 has a dual core Atom processor and with
a 1024x600 display.  So even with just 512K it runs like a dream!!  With
UNR loaded it feels like a proper notebook in comparison with Acer's
Limpus.  For R2,000 it a bargain... if anyone was interested in knowing.


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