[ubuntu-za] Migrating from vista to Ubuntu

Gary Alexander garyalex at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 05:40:47 BST 2009

2009/4/3 Hannes Coetzee <scorpking at scorpking.za.org>:
> Hi Bruno
> Make sure you do all the converting on Windows and don't forget to
> export your address book to csv if you have one. If you backup
> "C:\Users\" on Vista or "C:\Documents and Settings\" on XP you'll have
> all your data unless you don't store files in the default locations. I
> also have a backup of the install partition should you ever need it.
> Follow the rest of the advice and it should be fine.
> Welcome to Ubuntu
> Hannes

Also there is an extra repository you can add at a later stage called
medibuntu (http://www.medibuntu.org/) that has additional packages
that Ubuntu cannot package for legal reasons etc. This includes skype
and some of the proprietary codecs.

Good Luck and hope you enjoy :)

Gary Alexander
Sticky Toffee Web and IT Services

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