[ubuntu-za] Hardy
Hannes Coetzee
scorpking at eshowecompcentre.co.za
Wed Jun 18 22:57:02 BST 2008
For future reference..
Fixing HDA Intel sound can be simple and only takes a few minutes. Read
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto .All the info you
need is there.
Bill Cairns wrote:
> My problems with Hardy are making me despondent and pessimistic.
> I have a common or garden Mecer PC with an Intel 965 motherboard which
> came with a dual core 2.13 processor and a 82801H Audio Controller.
> Hard to get more common or garden than that.
> My sound does not work.
> I have spent many fruitless hours scanning the forums and launchpad
> and the Internet in general. I have followed all the advice given me
> except that I have not re-built the whole ALSA suite from source.
> There have been some advances - alsamixer now works when it didn't
> before; I can set my default sound card which I couldn't before. But
> sound there are none.
> I have learned that the problem was first reported on the Alpha 2
> release and is a confirmed bug.
> Did I mention that it worked fine with 7.10 Gutsy?
> OK - so perhaps downloading the latest source of the whole alsa suite
> and re-building is going to solve my problem. On the other hand
> perhaps it won't. I am very reluctant to go down that route - somehow
> it seems to confirm every popular prejudice against Linux - that it is
> for Geeks only. If Ubuntu can't run on my stock standard off-the-shelf
> Intel PC, how much faith can I have that the next release is even
> going to support my ethernet card?
> Good - that is my frustration vented publically and is now off my chest.
> Advice on what to do next? It seems I can -
> Revert to Gutsy.
> Keep on mucking around and re-build alsa and recompile my kernel and
> learn yoga and stand on my head
> Learn to live without sound
> Hope that the bug gets fixed.
> Suggestions?
> Oh - thanks for listening to me. And I still love Ubuntu even if a bit
> less than before.
> Bill
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