[ubuntu-za] CDs from carboots

Michael milegrin at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 08:39:29 GMT 2008


  I carry the ISO images of the CD & DVD version of Ubuntu & KUbuntu
on my notebook and will gladly cut anyone a copy.  If I had the bux I
would have a "carboot" full produced and give them away pasela,
bakshee, free, gratis and for nothing!

  Talking about production, your biggest expense is the mastering of
the CD/DVD images; the actual production is relatively cheap.  Maybe
get the Ubuntu foundation/Obsidian etc to do the mastering and give
each of us access to it so we can produce batches at our expense.
Last time I did summin similar was a few years ago and you were
looking at a minimum order of 500 per batch at around R2-3 per CD
(silk screened CD with cover in jewel case with wrapping - very
professional) .  It was the mastering costs that were VERY high (once
off cost) but if we shared that and then each
person/region/group/company could order a batch (or 3) it would be
worth our while to give away or sell at a rand or two to cover costs
(Maybe something like a dual DVD and/or CD with Ubuntu & Kubuntu in a
professionally packaged set!)

R e g a r d s
M i c h a e l  L  G r i f f i n
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He who play in root,
             eventually kill tree.

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