[ubuntu-za] (no subject)

frans dormakorp at vodamail.co.za
Fri Dec 12 11:41:06 GMT 2008

Allso if your not already doing it, use apt-cacher, it can safe lots of 
data on your cap.
There are some nice tutorials on it, but basicily you can point 
synaptic's network config file towards the server.
much faster than a internet connection too

William Kinghorn wrote:
> Thanks Hilton, will try this
>>>> hgibson at sun.ac.za 12/12/08 12:27 PM >>>
> William Kinghorn wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I have 11 PCs, installed Ubuntu 8.10, I have installed a lot of
>> education packages, I want to install the same packages onto the other
>> 10.
>> I know that there is a command to create a text file of the packages,
>> then copy the file to the other computers, and install from that file,
>> but I can't remember which list I belong to which had an e-mail about
>> how to do this.
>> Can someone please give me the 2 commands, one to create the file on
> the
>> first PC, two to install the packages onto the other PCs .
> To get the list;
> dpkg --get-selections > installed.txt
> Copy "installed.txt" to the /tmp folder on the other PC's.
> On the other PC's type;
> dpkg --set-selections < /tmp/installed.txt
> Then run aptitude or synaptic and use the mark as selected function. Not
> too sure about this. Maybe somebody else can help with that.
> Cheers
>> William

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