[ubuntu-za] Tip: keeping Mozilla stuff up to date

Ivo Vegter ivo at hivemind.net
Tue Oct 23 14:06:08 BST 2007

I wrote:
> Keeping Firefox/Thunderbird up to date has been a problem on Ubuntu, 
> because once a release is available, only security updates are added to 
> the main repositories. So Gutsy ships with (and stays with) Firefox 
>, for example, even though is already available.

Duh. A day later, the Ubuntu version appeared in the repositories.

Now the only reason to use the script I mentioned is to install the 
original Mozilla version of Firefox, so that the Colorzilla extension 
works :-)

Ivo Vegter    | http://ivo.co.za/ <-- Fun
+27-842102003 | ivo at hivemind.net <-- Work

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   but crusades are judged by how good they
   make the crusaders feel." - Thomas Sowell

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