[ubuntu-za] another switch story

Henti Smith henti at impilinux.co.za
Fri May 25 09:08:24 BST 2007

I have a friend, she's in her 40's and she was using windows for years. 

I'm sort of her I.T. guy. If she had computer issue she always called me.

After the n'th time she ran some program or deleted some files, her windows 
stopped working again and she asked me to come and fix it. I told her I'm 
installing linux so she can't break the machine. She's been using it since 
then, currently running feisty and happy as can be. The company she works for 
I.T. staff refer to her on how to use linux sometimes since she's been using 
it longer then any of the I.T. people. She refuses to go back to window on 
her home machine and is pushing her company to switch to Linux on the 

She's never root access to her machine, I manage it remotely. Her machine has 
never crashed since we switched. 

Henti Smith
Systems Administrator
Impi Linux (Pty) Ltd
1st Floor, Wembley Building, The Campus
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