[ubuntu-za] Switching to Linux (was Ubuntu Tea shirts)

Jan Kroeze thejcwk at gmail.com
Fri May 25 08:35:20 BST 2007

For diagrams of that type, you *might* have better luck using LaTeX to
create PDF documents and printing those. LaTeX can create slides too. It
does take a while to learn though, and I'm not sure if it's exactly what you

On 25/05/07, Phillip Pare <ptpare at lantic.net> wrote:
> Weiers Coetser wrote:
> > I know it is not a lot compared to other setups. But I can now count 23
> > computers with Linux installed on our campus. (3 years ago there were
> > none. Our IT guys still refuse to support linux, but they are beginning
> > to change little by little. They have put Openoffice.org on staff
> > computers by default, unless the staff member requested Microsoft.)
> >
> >
> Thank you Weiers for a very encouraging story. What is the name of your
> College and where are you situated?
> I am at the University of Pretoria and there are only a very few of our
> IT guys that are prepared to support Linux and the associated software.
> Once institutions start providing equal support to linux and windows
> installations, people will have more of an incentive to switch.
> Two years ago I installed Ubuntu 4.10 in a dual boot image which we
> burnt onto seven new machines. I was the only one who ever actually used
> Ubuntu. The rest of the staff just continued using Windows.
> The University runs a Novell network and students have to log on to
> Novell in order to access their quota of megabytes to access the
> internet. I see that some Linux distros offer a kernel upgrade to access
> the Novell network drives. Without proper IT support the average person
> is not going to attempt this. I also use the Novell network drives to
> store lecture presentations. When I go into a lecture theatre, I log on
> to Novell and all my material is available. If this was available on
> Linux then again I could consider switching.
> OpenOffice still does not import some graphics rich MS word documents
> correctly. I attach one such document to this email. I submitted an
> issue about this in August 2005 but unfortunately the people at Sun are
> just overwhelmed with work and have not yet been able to resolve this
> issue.
> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=53618
> Recently I have submitted the issue to Oxygen Office with the hope that
> someone else may be able to resolve the problem. I feel that there must
> be as seamless as possible interface between MS Word and Open Office
> before one can switch. If not there will just be too much work to be
> done to read through every document that is imported into Open Office to
> check for possible corruption. Abiword looks nice but it too does not
> read everything that MS Word produces.
> My other problem with Breezy related to fonts. It was quite a mission,
> without IT support to get all the fonts installed so that documents
> looked the same in OpenOffice as they did in MS Word.
> Another problem which always raised its head was that of permissions. I
> slide in a cartridge with a hard drive in it. I can read the files
> correctly, but as soon as I want to update a file I find myself having
> to go to the command line to try and change various permissions. Without
> IT support this can be very difficult.
> Regards
> Phillip
> --
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Registered Linux User #422029
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