[ubuntu-za] Switching to Linux (was Ubuntu Tea shirts)

Morgan Collett morgan at ubuntu.com
Fri May 25 08:22:16 BST 2007

Phillip Pare wrote:
> OpenOffice still does not import some graphics rich MS word documents
> correctly. I attach one such document to this email. I submitted an
> issue about this in August 2005 but unfortunately the people at Sun are
> just overwhelmed with work and have not yet been able to resolve this
> issue.
> http://www.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=53618

I see what you mean. I doubt MS Office is the right tool to produce
diagrams like that in the first place, but if others are sending these
to you then I feel your pain.

If I was creating documents like this, for an audience consisting of MS
office and openOffice, I'd look into other formats for the diagram.
Perhaps others can comment on their experiences.

> I feel that there must be as seamless as possible interface between
> MS Word and Open Office before one can switch.

It depends on your needs and the type of documents you are working with.
I've used openOffice for the last 4 years and exchanged documents and
spreadsheets with various people for business purposes and not had more
than minor font issues. In my case, formatting's not particularly important.

> My other problem with Breezy related to fonts.

Ubuntu 7.10 should have better font support, if this is anything to go
by: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/119

Release by release, as Ubuntu / GNU / openOffice.org / GNOME / KDE /
technology of your choice gets better, more people will be able to switch...

Morgan Collett
morgan at ubuntu.com

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