[ubuntu-za] New comer

Morgan Collett morgan at ubuntu.com
Fri May 18 12:38:38 BST 2007

Augustin Nduwimana wrote:
> Good Moring, there I am new to this list and I do not 
> know if my questions will be of any relevance.
> I live in Bujumbura - Burundi andwhile loking for the
> nearest Ubuntu Loco on the web. This is the one I
> found closest to me in Eastern and Central Africa.

Hi Augustin, welcome!

You might also be interested in the Kenyan LoCo Team:

Take a look at our site at http://www.ubuntu-za.org/, and don't hesitate
to participate or ask questions on the mailing list :-)

Morgan Collett
morgan at ubuntu.com

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