[ubuntu-za] WikiTeam meeting report back

Jason Norwood-Young jason at freespeechpub.co.za
Wed Apr 11 16:40:16 BST 2007

On Wed, 2007-04-11 at 16:34 +0200, Morgan Collett wrote:
> The WikiTeam met last night via IRC, in #ubuntu-za.

...which I managed to miss due to an unexpectedly long meeting despite
my whining which started this all.

>  * A newsletter in the style of
> [https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter Ubuntu Weekly News] was
> suggested, for positive news items, perhaps a weekly feature of somebody
> who is using ubuntu, links to south africans who blog about ubuntu etc.
> Somebody will have to take this on, and people can mail news or hints or
> other content to this person who will write it up and mail out -
> eventually on a regular basis.

To atone (and because I want to) I'd like to take this on.


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