[ubuntu-za] [Fwd: Kubuntu 6.10 - Taking You To The Edge]

Craig Adams craigaa at karg.co.za
Thu Oct 26 20:45:12 BST 2006

Hi All,

This is the official Kubuntu announcement.

Kindest Regards

Craig A. Adams

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Jonathan Riddell <jriddell at ubuntu.com>
To: ubuntu-announce at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: Kubuntu 6.10 - Taking You To The Edge
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 15:53:50 +0100

Kubuntu 6.10 - Taking You To The Edge

October 26 2006 - Kubuntu 6.10, the KDE distribution from the Ubuntu
family, has been released and is available for download now.

Kubuntu 6.10 brings a bit of edgyness to this release, including a new
and improved desktop, artwork, applications and much more. The goal
for Kubuntu 6.10 is to create a secure and stable environment
featuring some of today's leading applications and technology in order
to be the foundation for future releases of Kubuntu. The development
team is very happy to bring you this new release, we hope you enjoy
your Kubuntu 6.10 system.

Kubuntu 6.10 will be supported for 18 months on both desktops and
servers. Note that the previous stable release (6.06 LTS) is a
long-term support release, and so users requiring a longer support
lifetime may choose to continue using that version rather than upgrade
to or install 6.10.

To download Kubuntu 6.10, go to: 


New in Kubuntu 6.10

* K Desktop Environment 3.5.5: Kubuntu 6.10 is the first distribution
  to include this new KDE release.

* Digikam: now included by default this advanced digital photo
  management application provides you with the tools necessary to
  view, manage, edit, enhance, organise, tag and share photographs.

* Power Management: Kubuntu received a new power management applet
  which uses HAL to ensure reliable hibernation and long battery life.

* Hardware Database Client: profile your system from a basic set of
  questions and upload the details to the Ubuntu Hardware Database,
  making it easier to report bugs and allowing the developers to
  better understand the hardware requirements.

* Laptop Buttons: whether it is controlling your volume, your
  multimedia applications or your email and Internet access, Kubuntu
  now supports most laptop buttons without setup.

* Zeroconf and print sharing: let you browse the local network for
  available services.

* Accessibility Profiles: Kubuntu now offers users the ability to use
  a preconfigured accessibility profile depending on the type of
  disability right from the initial point of setup.  Press F5 at the
  CD boot screen to choose a profile.

* Free Software for Windows: you also have some popular Free and Open
  Source Software (FOSS) available to install on your Microsoft
  Windows operating system to preview great Kubuntu applications and
  ease the path to freedom.

Under the Hood

GCC 4.1
Glibc 2.4
Linux 2.6.17
LTSP 5 available for thin clients

Upgrading from Kubuntu 6.06 LTS

* In Konqueror go to /etc/apt, right click on sources.list and choose
  Actions -> Edit as Root
* Change all instances of dapper to edgy
* Launch a console with K-Menu -> System -> Konsole
* In the console run: sudo apt-get update
* In the console run: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and follow the prompts
  to upgrade
* In the console run: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop python-qt3
  python-kde3 ubuntu-minimal and follow the prompts to install
* Reboot your computer

If you have a Kubuntu 6.10 CD, put it in the drive, and run apt-cdrom
from the command line. Then follow the instructions above.  

Feedback and Helping

We welcome feedback and help with making the next version of Kubuntu.

Comments can be left on 

Any known problems can be found at 

For support and/or bug issues, report them on Launchpad: 

Bugs - http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs
Support - https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+tickets

If you have questions, please try asking on one of the following: 

IRC - Server irc.ubuntu.com, Channel #kubuntu
Kubuntu Users Mailing List -
Kubuntu Forums - http://www.kubuntuforums.net

Visit https://wiki.kubuntu.org/HelpingKubuntu if you are interested in
helping the Kubuntu team.


For more information about Kubuntu, visit our website at

Press contact:

Jonathan Riddell <jriddell @ubuntu.com> +44 (0)7941 938912 (Scotland)

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