[ubuntu-za] Games?

Adrian adrianmoisey at webmail.co.za
Tue Jun 20 06:03:08 BST 2006


> Can anyone make any suggestions?  I am looking for first person 
> shooters, strategy games and to a lesser extent role playing games.  It 
> would be a bonus if it could interoperate with Windows clients and 
> servers (Similar to AA).
> What are you playing or doing for entertainment on ubuntu/kubuntu?

Jonathan Hitchcock and I have been playing The Battle for Wesnoth. It's
a great turn-based strategy game. Its not as pretty as some commercial
games, but the game play is good and its well thought out.
Take a look: http://www.wesnoth.org/


Adrian Moisey
e-mail: adrianmoisey at webmail.co.za
cell: +27828587830

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