Jonathan Carter jonathan at
Thu Nov 10 12:58:13 CST 2005

Hi Ubuntu-za

I've opened the Afrikaans Translators group on Launchpad. Some of the
recent translators have already been added. If you're an Afrikaans
translator and you have not yet been added, please add yourself to the
team list. If you're interested in translating, you may also add
yourself to the team:

Translations are done on Rosetta, which is currently used to translate a
huge amount of software:

Also, if you find that you can't translate something because you don't
know the Afrikaans word, add that word to the VertalerWoordeboek wiki
page followed by a "???". If you have some time, please go through the
list of "???" words, and enter or suggest the appropriate word:

If there's any other ideas, we can discuss it on this list.


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