[ubuntu-x] Tagging Xorg bugs (especially -intel)

Bryce Harrington bryce at canonical.com
Wed May 6 09:42:12 BST 2009

On Tue, Apr 28, 2009 at 12:08:04AM +0200, Martin Olsson wrote:
> Bryce Harrington wrote:
>> What does everyone think of the following list of tags for symptoms?
> What about cases when xorg fails to start but doesn't strictly crash.
> I'm thinking about stuff like "no screens with usable configuration" etc.
> If xorg gets stuck in a loop with 100% cpu, should that be a "freeze" then
> or is that reserved for infinite ioctl() blocking bugs only?
> Will you publish a final tag list on the wiki later and with an explanation
> of each?

I've published an updated tag list with explanations (mostly Geir's
original list, with a few additions).



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