[UbuntuWomen] UW Wiki translations, We need your Help!
Estelle Eulriet
estelle.eulriet at gmail.com
Tue Mar 30 09:24:03 UTC 2010
Hi everybody,
i recently subscribed to the list and i didn't introduced myself either.
my name is Estelle. I live in France; I have been a web developper /
architect / entrepreneur for 10 years. I work with startups in their early
stages. I help them build their technical or technological environment.
I'm interested in Python and Zope, in objects databases that i know mainly
through Zope.
So any mentor who have python-something to do will be my friend :-)
I haven't contributed to the Open Source community as a "source code
provider"so far, but I would like to do so now. Throughout the past 10
years, I devoted approximatively 20% of my time to development and 80% to
team and project management, design and so on. In the next years, I would
like to reverse the tendency and devote more time to design/development.
I won't have a lot of time until june; i had started to translate in French
the Wiki ... one sentence below, that i will update asap on the wiki,
The Ubuntu Women Project was founded in 2006 and aims to foster Women
contributors and community involvement through mentoring and inspiration.
The Ubuntu Women Team has many projects with which we attempt to boost the
visibility of women within all areas of Ubuntu, and we invite you to help
out. Feel free to click around this wiki to discover what we do.
Le projet Ubuntu Women a été fondé en 2006 et vise à favoriser la
contribution de femmes et leur implication au sein de la communauté à
travers le parrainage et l'exemple. L'équipe Ubuntu Women mène plusieurs
projets grâce auxquels elle espère accroître la visibilité des femmes dans
tous les domaines d'intervention d'Ubuntu. Nous vous invitons à nous
rejoindre. Découvrez ce que nous faisons au fil de ce wiki!
It would be perhaps great to proceed by "pair-translator", so that we can
review translations before to publish ?
2010/3/30 idleone <oneidle at gmail.com>
> Hello everybody,
> I don't think I ever introduced myself to the list. My name is John and
> I have been a part of the ubuntu-women team for a short time. I am
> mostly active in #ubuntu-women and #ubuntu-women-project.
> With the help and push on the back I needed from pleia2 and elky. I
> decided to begin translating wiki.ubuntu-women.org to French so that the
> project can better include non English speaking women and men to
> contribute.
> I would like to invite you all to start translating the UW wiki into
> your own native tongue and start spreading the word.
> Links to help you get started:
> http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/
> http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Translators
> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WikiGuide
> P.S. I am. Because you are!
> IdleOne
> --
> John Chiazzese
> In this concrete jungle we live. Our survival is love that we give.
> Now my instinct is guiding my way. It’s true what they say.
> The world is your chance to create.
> --
> Ubuntu-Women mailing list
> Ubuntu-Women at lists.ubuntu.com
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-women
Estelle Eulriet
(+33) 9 52 84 32 19
(+33) 6 13 55 68 46
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