[UbuntuWomen] UW list and attachments.

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at ubuntu.com
Mon Apr 5 06:18:12 UTC 2010

On Sun, Apr 4, 2010 at 10:10 PM, Kadambari Devarajan
<kadambari.devarajan at gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 - no attachments on mailing lists, uploads preferred.

I agree, but I think this is a discussion that should happen. There
are Ubuntu mailing lists (and mailing lists elsewhere online) these
days where attachments are considered acceptable so having a unified
policy for our team and letting everyone know about that will help.

> +1 again - I did go through the  logs, recommend more admins, in order to
> account for time zone differences (among other things) and also to lessen
> Svaksha's burden. Moreover, just one point of contact can be difficult for
> various logistical reasons (been there, done that). Svaksha's done a great
> job so far, and I'm part of other lists she's an admin of, and have no
> complaints. Also, IMHO contrary to the opinion on the irc chat, I don't
> think she is clinging onto the being sole admin or anything  (and actually
> think she is NOT the sole admin, and there are others).

There are other admins, but currently there is no way for anyone
(leader of the project or not) to apply for these positions, and
discussion about adding more admins has been immediately halted, in
spite of complaints about mails being stuck in the queue for hours and
no way to contact admins aside from sending yet another email. I think
this is where the frustration that is evident from the logs stems

Now that we have a leadership structure in place and regular meetings
to discuss things like this I think it's a perfect time to go through
our resources (mailing list, launchpad, access to the website) and
develop processes for people to volunteer for these positions to
lessen the burden on current admins and give others in the project
opportunities to fill these roles.

Elizabeth Krumbach // Lyz // pleia2

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