[UbuntuWomen] help offered

Linda Halligan linda.halligan at gmail.com
Thu Dec 10 20:27:52 UTC 2009

maia grotepass wrote:
> Hello all
> I attended the meeting last night and I am very excited about the
> developments. I don't have enough time/expertise to take on a
> leadership role, but I would love to help out in anyway I can. I have
> been lurking on this mailing list and in the irc for a while now and
> it is my intention of becoming more involved in 2010. Also I think I
> need to get to know the community a bit better.
> So I will not make a nomination page :D but I am happy to do
> documentation on the wiki and spend some time in the irc channel when
> I am online and help out for a few hours a week.

Ditto. Except I've been talky on the IRC channel lately. :)


IRC: althara on freenode.net

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