[UbuntuWomen] First Ubuntu User Day Instructors Needed!

Penelope Stowe pstowe at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 02:34:45 UTC 2009

Hi all,

At UDS several weeks ago, the idea was broached of having single User
Days during the release cycle to provide courses for the new Ubuntu
user, especially those with little or no familiarity with Linux.

Plans have be started for the first of these days to be Saturday,
January 23rd from 1200-2200 UTC and we're now looking for instructors
so we can create a schedule for the day.

There's a list of suggested topics and a place for instructors to sign
up on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDaysTeam . We're certainly open to
other suggestions for topics, however, we are trying to keep this
really to how-tos for running Ubuntu so that those with little or no
familiarity can use these days as an introduction.

If you're interested in instructing, please add your name,
availability, and what you would be interested in teaching at the
bottome of the wiki page under "Possible Instructors"


Penelope Stowe/Pendulum

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