[UbuntuWomen] my browser: Galeon

Amy Hussey rpgirl1981 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 14 02:19:36 UTC 2007

I tried it a long time ago (when I first tried out Ubuntu; Warty maybe).  I
liked it, but never really used it because I had Firefox and I was very
familiar with it.

I'm using the Flock beta now and I really like it.  :)  (

I may have to try out Galeon.  It sounds very easy to use.  Thanks for the
heads up!


On 6/13/07, suzana garcia <suzana.garcia at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am writing to share my recent experience with Galeon. I had been using
> first Firefox, then Epiphany. They are very good. I enjoy configuring
> the Toolbars, and mostly in Epiphany, its simplicity. I didn't quite get
> used with Bookmarks management in Epiphany, but now i found out Galeon.
> Very simple too, but hidding very nice complexities like the
> BookMarklets. Or even its speed. It never crashed until now.
> I know the "core" of the three of them is the Mozilla Gecko engine (my
> brother told me so), but i feel very confortable using Galeon.
> Right-clicking in the Toolbar buttons gives some complex and nice
> options. I'll keep using it. It is very simple and easy to check your
> installed plugins, by accessing the Help menu. If anyone has good or
> even bad experiences using it, care to share ?
> b'bye,
> suzana
> http://galeon.sourceforge.net/
> --
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