[UbuntuWomen] Introduction

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Wed Aug 29 03:19:36 UTC 2007

Hello :)

On 8/28/07, malaikasharp at comcast.net <malaikasharp at comcast.net> wrote:
> Greetings,
> My name is Malaika Sharp. I have just joined this list but have been lurking
> on the Linux-chix list for a long time.

My journey started with LC (and I lurk too ...big-time) so its nice to
have you here !

> First, I must apologize: the system that I am currently using at home is
> windows. However, on my laptop, which is located in my office, I have
> installed Ubuntu.

No need to (apologise I mean) .. I use 'doze at work too.. We cant
change the world overnight.

> I have been a fan of  and  user of Linux for about ten years. While I was
> working as a tech and later as a system administrator, I used Linux
> exclusively on my systems at work as well as at home. I have continued to
> use Linux on my own personal systems, but have maintained a windows
> environment for my husband to use.

... my personal choice is also UbuntuLinux.

> I recently installed Ubuntu to my laptop and decided that I wanted to join a
> learning community.

Great, you did join the right community.

> I look forward to getting to know this group, taking courses and hopefully
> contributing in whatever ways that I am able and getting to know the members
> of the community.

...and we look forward to getting to know you andyour interests :)

see you around...

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