[UbuntuWomen] LinuxChix Women's mini-conf (Melbourne, Jan 2008): Call for Presentations

Mary Gardiner mary at puzzling.org
Wed Aug 29 02:00:01 UTC 2007

***   LinuxChix Womens’ mini-conf: Call for Presentations   ***

The premier annual Linux and Open Source conference in Australia,
linux.conf.au, is once again hosting a LinuxChix mini-conf. We are now calling
for presentations by women on both Free Software technical topics and other
topics of general interest to women involved in Free Software or working in IT.

*About the mini-conf*

The second annual LinuxChix women’s mini-conf will be held on either Monday the
28th or Tuesday the 29th of January, 2008 (We don’t know which) at the
University of Melbourne, as part of the annual linux.conf.au Free and Open
Source Software conference running from 28th of January to the 2nd of February,
2008. All attendees of linux.conf.au are welcome to attend the women’s
mini-conf, which will highlight and celebrate the achievements of women in Free
and Open Source Software. There is no need to be an active member of LinuxChix,
as attendees and speakers from other women’s advocacy and development groups
including Systers, project-specific women’s groups and others, are encouraged
to participate.

The mini-conf has both 50 minute and 25 minute talks slots available. We
recommend that inexperienced Speakers opt for the shorter slots and plan to
present for around 15 minutes; the remaining time will be devoted to
discussion. Experienced speakers may choose to opt for a full 50 minute slot,
and prepare to talk for 35-40 minutes. We reserve the right to request that 35
minute presentations be shortened to 15 minutes to enable best use of the time
we have.

Abstracts for talk proposals should be submitted to - geekess :at:
geekosophical :dot: net - by Midnight Sunday, October 15, 2007.

There will also be some 10 minute (5 minutes talk, 5 minutes discussion)
lightning talk slots available. These slots are ideal for first-time speakers
or those who want to very quickly showcase a project.

All talks should be on Free and Open Source Software related topics.

Please see http://conf.au.linuxchix.org for more information about the women’s
mini-conference and http://conf.au.linuxchix.org/CFP for full details of the
call for presentations.

Feel free to forward this announcement to any women or groups you think would
be interested.

About LinuxChix

LinuxChix is a community for women who like Linux and Free Software, and for
women and men who want to support women in computing. The membership ranges
from novices to experienced users, and includes professional and amateur
programmers, system administrators and technical writers.

About linux.conf.au

linux.conf.au (http://linux.conf.au/) is Australia’s annual technical
conference on Free Software. Fun, informal and seriously technical,
linux.conf.au draws together Free and Open Source Software developers from
across the world. It will be held from January 28th to February 2nd, 2008 at
The University of Melbourne.

About Linux Australia

Linux Australia (http://www.linux.org.au/) is the peak body for Linux User
Groups (LUGs) around Australia, and as such represents approximately 5000
Australian Linux users and developers. Linux Australia facilitates the
organisation of this international Free Software conference in a different
Australasian city each year.

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