[UbuntuWomen] #ubuntu-women approved by the CC

Clytie Siddall clytie at riverland.net.au
Thu Mar 23 03:30:16 UTC 2006

On 22/03/2006, at 10:16 PM, Elizabeth Krumbach wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 21, 2006 at 11:10:27AM -0800, Ursula A. Kallio wrote:
>>> Just a quick note to inform you all that IRC #ubuntu-women on  
>>> Freenode
>>> was approved by the CC in today's meeting.
>>> So chat away grrls ... :-)
>> Are others chatting and I am in the wrong place?  Someone please do a
>> test join.  I am osg.
> You might have been in the wrong place, there have been about 8  
> people in the
> channel for quite some time. Might be idling when you join, but  
> we're in the
> nicklist.
> irc.freenode.net
> #ubuntu-women
> svaksha - glad to hear about the official status of the channel,  
> thanks!
> - Lyz (pleia2 on IRC)

Yes, Ursula, you need to choose the server first (irc.freenode.net),  
or you're just creating a new ubuntu-women channel on the server  
you're using. That new channel will be empty, because you've just  
created it!

It's a bit confusing that whenever you enter the name of a channel  
that doesn't already exist, you create it, and there it is, empty...  
It's like walking into an empty room when you expected to see people.

The real U-W channel gives you some information when it opens, the  
links to the homepage and its aims, a quick summary. If you're not  
getting that, you're not on irc.freenode.net/ubuntu-women

I had an enjoyable chat yesterday, first time I've been on IRC for  
years. It became too complex for me some years back, but I've found a  
program which simplifies it all for me (Conversation, for any other  
OSX users ;) ).

I don't think our channel was U-W only, yesterday, but it was  
friendly and interesting!

I won't be able to do that often, but now I know I can, I'll pop in  
occasionally. I'm really pleased to be able to do IRC again. :)))

Nice to talk to you, Elizabeth!

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm  
Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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