[UbuntuWomen] introduction

Vid Ayer svaksha at gmail.com
Tue Dec 26 05:00:04 UTC 2006


On 12/8/06, Melissa Allen <melissa.allen at eledanthe.com> wrote:
> I joined this group because 1) I just switched to Ubuntu Linux and am
> loving it

Welcome to the Ubuntu community and apologies for the late reply !

> 2) I think more women should be involved in the Linux
> community 3) I have no idea how to get started in the community.

Presently there are a number of women in the Linux community who are
simply not as visible* as far as perceptions go.

* Different people interpret visibility differently and I am not sure
how to define that precisely.

> Possible areas I'd like to contribute: 1) Art (I'm a fledgling,
> self-taught graphic artist of sorts) 2) documentation (writing has
> always been my first love)

For starters check:

You could get an LP account and subscribe to any of the mailing lists
after going through their archives.

> The thing is, I don't have any confidence in my abilities as a linux
> user, yet, and so I don't know if I'd be qualified to write
> documentation. That's where this list comes in...help! :P
> I look forward to getting to know everyone, and to even offering my help
> and support if there's an area I have enough knowledge to do so.

I guess I know what you mean. Its something we all experience atfirst
and precicely why this community exists to help others like us. Over
time, there were many who encouraged and helped me (directly and
indirectly) along the way making it easier to get going. We make
mistakes too :) so just dive in, pick up any task that interests you,
ask questions and you will find the Ubuntu community very warm,
relaxed, friendly and nice place to be in.


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