[UbuntuWomen] introduction

Melissa Allen melissa.allen at eledanthe.com
Fri Dec 8 05:17:26 UTC 2006

Hello everyone! 

My name is Melissa and I'm new to the group. The introduction letter
recommended introducing myself, which I think is a fine idea. :)

I'm 28 years old and live in North Carolina. I'm a college student
majoring in business administration, which sounds really boring...and
sometimes it is! The main reason I'm majoring in something so bland is
to have some formal business training for when I start my own web design
business with my future husband. When we are married I will become the
super cool (and never wicked) step-mother to two wonderful children (boy
age 7, girl age 6) and I am super excited about that. 

I joined this group because 1) I just switched to Ubuntu Linux and am
loving it 2) I think more women should be involved in the Linux
community 3) I have no idea how to get started in the community. 

Possible areas I'd like to contribute: 1) Art (I'm a fledgling,
self-taught graphic artist of sorts) 2) documentation (writing has
always been my first love) 

The thing is, I don't have any confidence in my abilities as a linux
user, yet, and so I don't know if I'd be qualified to write
documentation. That's where this list comes in...help! :P

I look forward to getting to know everyone, and to even offering my help
and support if there's an area I have enough knowledge to do so. 

Best wishes to all!

"Though this be madness, yet there is method in't." - Shakespeare's

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