[UbuntuWomen] The Ubuntu-Women's team and presentation

Elizabeth Krumbach lyz at princessleia.com
Tue Aug 15 13:11:57 UTC 2006

On Mon, August 14, 2006 10:20 am, Andreas Lloyd wrote:
> Vid asked me to have a look at your page to see if the information is
> clear enough, and I find that it is a little text heavy. I think that
> if you can break it up in shorter sections and give clear examples of
> how people can get and already are involved, it will help the page a
> fair bit. I would like to help with this, if it should be necessary,
> but I'm sure you have lots of good input on how to organize it already.

Were you lookings specifically at the website or the wiki? I tend to agree
that the website itself is a bit wordy and could use some breaking up into
more specific sections.

Vid - How do you want us to go about discussing/giving input on how the
website can be reworked? By submitting bugs on Launchpad? Discussing it on
this list?

Andreas - Since we do have the static website and the wiki, do you have
any thoughts/guidelines about about how these two sections can more
flawlessly work together?

> I would also like you to have a look at the ContributeToUbuntu section
> on the Marketing section [4] so that you can make sure that it
> properly reflects how you want people to get involved.

Might want to reword this statement:

"Encouraging women to use Ubuntu and participate in the community."

While we do like to to encourage women to use Ubuntu, our major goal is to
get women to participate in the community. Perhaps there would be a way to
better word this to stress that?


Elizabeth A. Krumbach // Lyz at PrincessLeia.com

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