symlink persist follow-up

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at
Sat Sep 30 13:53:29 UTC 2023

Saturday, September 30, 2023  at 13:53, Colin Law wrote:
Re: symlink persist follow-up (at least in part)

>On Sat, 30 Sept 2023 at 13:20, Grizzly <Real_Grizz_Adams at> wrote:

>> what is the dif between clean & autoclean? (I'm on a Win box at moment) a web
>> search gave me

>> "With autoclean option, can remove all those packages which are not required by
>> the system or which cannot be downloaded any further"

>> does that mean that clean may "remove packages which are required by the
>> system" ?

>In a sense yes, but it is talking about removing downloaded packages from the
>apt cache, not from the system.  So clean will remove all downloads, autoclean
>only removes some of them, namely those that are no longer available in the
>repository, presumably on the assumption that they have been superseded by
>later versions. If you have a slow internet connection you might not want to
>use clean, in case you have to re-install a package, but for most that is a
>very rare occurrence. 

I can live with a bit more delay on the re-install if it keeps my system 

kernal(s) huild up, even with autoclean been run after every upgrade run, I did 
have a script that would clear all the extras out, it is over 5 years old so 
may not work now (or be needed as much)

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