23.10 Beta files are available (Phoronix)

Ian Bruntlett ian.bruntlett at gmail.com
Tue Sep 26 12:09:53 UTC 2023

Hi Keith,

Apologies for the delay in replying... I've managed to lose my notes.

On Sun, 24 Sept 2023 at 20:21, Keith <keithw at caramail.com> wrote:

> So org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings doesn't have maximize key to modify?
> On 22.04, the default value is Super-Up, but you can turn off default
> value and put in a custom value of ['<Super>Up'] if its not listed. Is
> it giving an error when you try to set it?
> Down the list there's also "Toggle Maximized" which is set to
> ['<Alt>F10']. You can add ['<Super>Up'] as custom value like so:
> ['<Alt>F10', '<Super>Up']. Super-Up then becomes a toggle for
> maximize/unmaximize state.
> Having both Maximize and Toggle Maximized shortcut settings is
> redundant, though. Is one of them not there anymore?
> > 3. Using dconf-editor for Super+Down arrow isn't necessary as I like
> > thee default of restoring window to previous sizse
> >
> > None of the settings I applied survive a re-boot.
> That's really odd. You clicked the "Apply" button at the bottom after
> making a change, right? And started dconf-editor not using sudo also?
Yes. The Super + Left Arrow and Super + Right Arrow, after I saved the
changes in dconf-editor did react as you would expect. I saved the changes
in dconf-editor and it worked. I rebooted and the settings for Super + Left
Arrow and Super + Right Arrow had been reset to "do not use default".

I don't think it is a dconf-editor problem. I think something else is
re-setting the values on boot up.



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