Ubuntu installers?

robert rottermann robert at redcor.ch
Wed Jan 11 10:31:42 UTC 2023

in the heyday of my youth, when I was a "power user" learning UCSD
Pascal on an Apple-2 in the "Gaming Room" of the Swiss Technical University,
saving the 2 lines of code I had written meant getting out the floppy,
inserting mine, saving the code, swapping the floppy back to re-enable the editor,
swapping the floppy for the compiler, swapping the floppy for the linker and
finally to run the code get a floppy with the runtime environment....

Yes, configuring VS code is sometimes challenging,
I hate Android and the whole smartphone crap (but can not live without)
and get goosebumps when my partner asks me to help her with that damn banking app.
Not as exclusive as back then, but still I am lot more power user then I was in 
these days ..

just to add to an screamingly never ending thread

On 11.01.23 10:05, M. Fioretti wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 11, 2023 06:21:10 AM +1100, Owen Thomas wrote:
>> A developer is a specific subtype of, and thereby by definition, a user? That;s
>> the way I always saw things.
>> Perhaps part of the problem is that others don't see things this way? What else
>> could a developer be if they weren't also a user?
> Being a developer of a program that can also run on some operating
> system does not overlap at all with being also a USER of that
> operating system. That's where *my* problems come from, probably.
> That is, AFAIU pip, cpan, gem, npm etc... came to be exactly because
> each community of developers could not afford, or be bothered anyway
> with, compiling and resolving dependencies of their software on any of
> the platforms it may be made to run. Which makes sense on THEIR end,
> but makes lives of "power users" much more complex and miserable than
> 20 years ago, when in my experience all one would need to learn to be
> a power user were cpan and make config/make/make install.
>    	Marco

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