When to upgrade my 20.04 LTS?

J. Paul Bissonnette jpaulb at eastlink.ca
Tue Feb 28 13:32:07 UTC 2023

On Tue, 28 Feb 2023 12:54:39 +0100
albert1.cornelius at gmail.com wrote:

> Should I wait for the next major LTS in 2024? Or is it worth it and
> upgrade to 22.04? How do you manage your upgrade policy?

Is there anything in 22.04 that is missing in your version that is
absolutely necessary? Then do it and only a clean install not a distro

I have used Ubuntu since 2006LTS or 2008LTS.
I have presently 3 LTS version running on 3 boxes 2016, 2018, 2020
Since 2016 I have come to the conclusion that there is nothing earth
shattering new in the next version to warrant wasting my time with the
mess left behind from a distro upgrade, discovering new bugs or
trying to find the new locations of icon. 

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