When to upgrade my 20.04 LTS?

J.Witvliet at mindef.nl J.Witvliet at mindef.nl
Tue Feb 28 13:41:13 UTC 2023

See below.

From: "Albert Cornelius" <albert1.cornelius at gmail.com<mailto:albert1.cornelius at gmail.com>>
Date: Tuesday, 28 February 2023 at 12:55:22
To: "ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com" <ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com<mailto:ubuntu-users at lists.ubuntu.com>>
Subject: When to upgrade my 20.04 LTS?

Should I wait for the next major LTS in 2024? Or is it worth it and upgrade to 22.04? How do you manage your upgrade policy?

All depends on your situation / requirements.
Do you have (third party) software explicitly demanding a LTS version?

Do you need LTS anyway? Or can you use intermediate, regular releases?

Or perhaps “rolling rhino” ?

For many years “LTS” was considered nearly holy with us. But three 3party packages worked on intermediate releases just as well. And we could use more recent packages without the hassle of compiling ourselves.

At home I switched to rolling releases for my servers / desktops, if I feel the need, I upgrade weekly. Seems a hassle, but alway tiny steps.

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