Ubuntu Unity 22.10 missing Launcher & Menus

Little Girl littlergirl at gmail.com
Sat Feb 11 15:36:44 UTC 2023

Hey there,

Grizzly via ubuntu-users wrote:
>Little Girl wrote:

>>You wouldn't happen to have the wslu package installed, would you?
>No I don't but I have thought about an art package just not got
>there yet

It's probably best to sort all this other stuff out first anyway.

>I'm sort of fixed again, in a rare moment of (slightly) better
>broadband speed, I tried the recovery option at boot, then fix
>broken packages, onlt took about 2.5 hours to download ~250mb and a
>while to unpack & install,

I feel your pain. We lived in hotels for a while when we were looking
for a new home and the internet there was much like what you're
describing. It was maddening.

>then the system worked again, ONLY it looks totally different, icons
>that I had on launcher (3 of them) were all gone, and a lot of new
>ones appeared, mainly LibreOffice stuff (that were never installed
>before as I had done the minimal install), home appeared on my
>desktop (not on launcher as before), external disks are now only
>accessable from Files (not a simple click of tehicon on launcher)
>the old power down button/icon (top right before) now brings up a
>choice of theme colours, and a lot of other little things, I do now
>have a cog-wheel at login that was not there before

This seems like a mixture of it finishing something that had been
begun before and it doing something wrong. What worries me is that
your access to external disks has changed and that your power-down
button brings up a choice of theme colors. I would think that neither
of those should have happened.

Hopefully someone else will jump in with information on what may have
happened and whether there's something you'll need to do about it.

I'm liking Colin's suggestion of logging in as a different user to
see if the problem persists. It's something I should have tattooed
onto the back of my hand so that I never forget it. I'll bet that,
alone, can save many of us countless hours that we would otherwise
have spent trying to fix an issue.

Little Girl

There is no spoon.

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