Ubuntu Unity 22.10 missing Launcher & Menus

Grizzly Real_Grizz_Adams at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Feb 11 18:22:41 UTC 2023

11 February 2023  at 10:36, Little Girl wrote:
Re: Ubuntu Unity 22.10 missing Laun (at least in part)


>I'm liking Colin's suggestion of logging in as a different user to
>see if the problem persists. It's something I should have tattooed
>onto the back of my hand so that I never forget it. I'll bet that,
>alone, can save many of us countless hours that we would otherwise
>have spent trying to fix an issue.

Sounds like a great idea, worth making a spare user, but, so if that user works 
you have a fall back, but "maybe" still no idea what went wromg with the normal 

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