GRUB questions

Bill bstanle at
Wed Aug 16 16:00:36 UTC 2023

On 8/16/23 08:45, Bret Busby wrote:
> On 16/8/23 11:54, Bill wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have some questions about grub.  I have used dual boot without any 
>> problems for quite a bit of time but recently some questions have 
>> cropped up.
>> My system had Windows 7, and Mint Linux 21.2.  I use Grub to dual 
>> boot between Windows 7 and Linux.  I use Linux almost exclusively but 
>> keep Windows 7 around because I occasionally need some files and 
>> programs located there.  It's easier just to leave them there. 
> Hello.
> Without knowing what programs you run, that need Windows 7, I wonder 
> whether either they can be run using a Windows emulator like wine, or, 
> they have either a Linux port or, an equivalent in the required 
> functionality, that runs natively on Linux.
> Regarding the files "located there", I trust that you are aware that, 
> depending on the file manager that you are using on Linux Mint, you 
> can mount (if not mounted automatically, by the file manager)  and 
> access the partition(s) applicable to the MS Win 7 installation. This 
> is one of the reasons that I always, regardless of the operating 
> system, have separate data partitions, from the operating system 
> partition, for both backing up (when I get around to it...), and, 
> copying, and moving, data files from one operating system and/or 
> computer, to another (or, to external storage, such as external USB 
> SSD's and thumbdrives).
> ..
> Bret Busby

WS=> I am using Mate on Mint Linux 21.2 .  I too keep my Linux data 
(home directory) on a separate partition from the operating system " / 
".  When upgrading to *major *changes in Linux, like going from version 
20 to version 21, I completely "blow away" the old OS in a full 
reinstall.  The home directory is unaffected by the reinstall (if I am 

Best wishes,

William Stanley
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