GRUB questions

Bret Busby bret at
Wed Aug 16 12:45:19 UTC 2023

On 16/8/23 11:54, Bill wrote:
> Hi,
> I have some questions about grub.  I have used dual boot without any 
> problems for quite a bit of time but recently some questions have 
> cropped up.
> My system had Windows 7, and Mint Linux 21.2.  I use Grub to dual boot 
> between Windows 7 and Linux.  I use Linux almost exclusively but keep 
> Windows 7 around because I occasionally need some files and programs 
> located there.  It's easier just to leave them there.  

Without knowing what programs you run, that need Windows 7, I wonder 
whether either they can be run using a Windows emulator like wine, or, 
they have either a Linux port or, an equivalent in the required 
functionality, that runs natively on Linux.

Regarding the files "located there", I trust that you are aware that, 
depending on the file manager that you are using on Linux Mint, you can 
mount (if not mounted automatically, by the file manager)  and access 
the partition(s) applicable to the MS Win 7 installation. This is one of 
the reasons that I always, regardless of the operating system, have 
separate data partitions, from the operating system partition, for both 
backing up (when I get around to it...), and, copying, and moving, data 
files from one operating system and/or computer, to another (or, to 
external storage, such as external USB SSD's and thumbdrives).

Bret Busby
West Australia

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