A question of themes - solved (mostly)

Bret Busby bret at busby.net
Tue Oct 25 18:57:17 UTC 2022

On 26/10/22 02:04, Liam Proven wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2022 at 19:48, Bret Busby <bret at busby.net> wrote:
>> I had described the theme in the original query post; it is a desktop
>> environment theme
> But for what desktop, and what part of the desktop? Window borders are
> one type of theme, and buttons and controls are another, and so on.
> I recall that you like the MATE desktop. But, AFAIK, MATE moved from
> Gtk 2 to Gtk 3 a few years ago with v1.18.
> https://mate-desktop.org/blog/2017-03-13-mate-1-18-released/
> https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/03/mate-1-18-desktop-released-now-gtk3
> Ubuntu MATE switched later that year:
> https://ubuntu-mate.org/blog/ubuntu-mate-zesty-final-release/
> So themes from before then won't work, I believe. I barely touch
> themes and theming myself.

In Ubuntu Mate, is the Control Center.

In going to the heading "Look and Feel", is Appearance.

In selecting Appearance, the default tab that opens (the leftmost tab), 
is Themes.

I am not absolutely certain, because it was so long ago, now, but, I 
believe that I started using the TraditionalOk theme, when I started 
using Ubuntu Mate 12.04.

I have managed to keep using the TraditionalOk theme, through the 
successive versions of Ubuntu Mate, to 22.04.

I have also managed to, in copying and pasting theme directories 
(recursively), managed to install and easily select and use, the 
TraditionalOk theme on Linux Mint Mate 21, which I have managed to do, 
in the last week.

The only problem that I have found, with copying and pasting the themes 
directory (and its subdirectories, recursively), is that I get an error 
message, when copying to a thumb drive; I got it both, in copying to the 
Ventoy frave, and, to a default formattted (which I assume to be FAT32) 
thumb drive; something like"Error: file format does not support symbolic 

So, in copying to USB thumb drives, to copy from one physical computer, 
to another, some of the themes in the directory hierarchy, were not 
completely successfully, copied across.

But, of the themes that ere able to be successfully copied across, using 
this method, the TraditionalOk, and TraditionalGreen, and YaruOk (I was 
wrong; it is not Yaru-blue, that resembles TraditionalOk, the Yaru theme 
is named YaruOk), and YaruGreen, copied across, and, are usable, without 
any problem. Some other themes also copied across okay, including 
BlackMATE, the Submarine, Menta, and Laguna, variants; the only 
problematic themes, in the copying, are High Contrast (High Contrast 
Inverse copied across okay), and the Yaru variants, other than the two 
named as having successfully copied across.

In copying from the Ubuntu Mate 22.04 installation, to the Linux Mint 
mate 21 installation, on the same computer, the problem did not occur, 
assumable because both installations use the ext4 file formatting, which 
allows for the symbolic links, which, apparently, FAT32, and the file 
formatting as used by Ventoy, do not.

It has occurred to me, that, if I upload the applicable themes, to one 
of my web sites, which use "Shared Linux Hosting", the problem of the 
not recognising symbolic links, would be overcome, with the themes, then 
being able to be downloaded, using something like wget, which downloads 

Bret Busby
West Australia

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