setting up postgres replication FATAL: database system identifier differs between the primary and standby

Noah noah-list at
Sat Feb 12 17:46:36 UTC 2022

Ahoy there,

I am attempting to set up postgres12 with replication between two servers.

I followed these instructions.

At step 4 - I restarted the replica database with command "sudo 
systemctl restart postgresql at 12-main"

I see these messages in the /var/log/postgresql/postgresql-12-main.log file

--- snip ---

2022-02-12 17:39:51.345 UTC [237364] LOG:  entering standby mode
2022-02-12 17:39:51.356 UTC [237365] FATAL:  database system identifier 
differs between the primary and standby
2022-02-12 17:39:51.356 UTC [237365] DETAIL:  The primary's identifier 
is 7048326921585830819, the standby's identifier is 7063458841707763655.
2022-02-12 17:39:51.367 UTC [237369] FATAL:  database system identifier 
differs between the primary and standby
2022-02-12 17:39:51.367 UTC [237369] DETAIL:  The primary's identifier 
is 7048326921585830819, the standby's identifier is 7063458841707763655.
2022-02-12 17:39:56.380 UTC [237371] FATAL:  database system identifier 
differs between the primary and standby
2022-02-12 17:39:56.380 UTC [237371] DETAIL:  The primary's identifier 
is 7048326921585830819, the standby's identifier is 7063458841707763655.

--- snip ---

Is there an easy way to solve this problem?


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